A Junk Drawer of Probability

This post will cover a couple important topics in probability theory. These are formulas I should always know, but rarely completely remember. I hope after covering these they’ll stick a bit more!

Covariance and Correlation

Covariance measures how linearly related two random variables are:
\(cov[X,Y] = \mathbb{E}[(X-\mathbb{E}X)*(Y-\mathbb{E}Y)]\)
Correlation is a normalized covariance:
\(corr[X,Y] = \frac{cov[X,Y]}{\sqrt{\mathrm{var}X*\mathrm{var}Y}}\)
This is helpful because correlation ranges between -1 and 1. With a one number, you can reasonably tell how related two linear variables are.

Transforming Random Variables

Assume you have a random variable $X$ that is a n dimensional. Let $f$ be a function $\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^n$ and $Y=f(x)$. Then we want to know how space where $X$ lives changes when we apply $f$. We can understand this by using the Jacobian of the inverse transformation $x=f^{-1}(y)$. Then:
\(p_y(y) = p_x(x)|\mathrm{det} J_{y\rightarrow x}|\)
In this way we have a probability distribution of $Y$.

Monte Carlo Approximation

Sometimes transforming random variables is very difficult. One alternative is to use Monte Carlo approximation. It involves taking a sample $S$ from the probability distribution $p_x(x$ and then applying our function $f$ to each element of the sample. Then we can estimate the mean of $Y=f(X)$ by looking at $\frac{1}{S}\sum_S f(x_i)$. We can estimate other statistics in this way as well.


To measure the entropy of a discrete distribution $p_x$ with $K$ states we use the following formula:
\(\mathbb{H}(X) = -\sum_{k=1}^K p(X=k)\log_{2}p(X=k)\)

KL Divergence

Kullback-Leibler Divergence measues the relative entropy of two distributions $p$ and $q$. We define:
\(\mathbb{KL}(p||q) = \sum_{k=1}^K p_k \log\frac{p_k}{q_k}\)

Mutual Information

An extension of KL Divergence is mutual information:
\(\mathbb{I}(X;Y) = \mathbb{KL}(p(X,Y)||p(X)p(Y)) = \sum_x\sum_y p(x,y) \log\frac{p(X,Y)}{p(X)p(Y)}\)

Closing the Drawer

These few formulas close out Chapter 2 of MLPP. In future posts, we will see how to apply them. Next MLPP post will cover Chapter 3: Generative models for discrete data. I think my next blog post will ocver CLRS Chapter 5: probabilistic analysis of algorithms